Can you help me please convert this PDF to MIDI ? My boy need to be train to home

• Dec 6, 2024 - 22:40

Helo .Can you help me please convert in midi files this image please ?
Thank YOU !

Attachment Size
piano AJ.jpg 3.52 MB


Launch MuseScore Studio. On the Home tab, click the New Score button under New & recent, under Scores.

This opens the New score dialog. There are several choices to get a blank piano score. I clicked to Create from template, then chose Solo / Piano. Then click the Next button at lower right.

Select ...

a) the Key signature: C major, no sharps or flats,
b) the Time signature: 3/8,
c) the Tempo; Allegro molto means "very fast" in Italian; I entered 160 bpm as a starting point; I suspect that's too fast,
d) the number of measures: 15 measures are shown on the image you provided, but it is clearly incomplete, and
e) Title, Composer, Subtitle, Lyricist, and Copyright: these entries are not shown on your image, so I left them blank.

Then click the Done button at lower right. This opens a new, blank score.

NOTE: It is my habit to save the score with an appropriate name at this point.

I then clicked into the treble clef, in the first measure to select that measure. I pressed the N key on the keyboard: this enters "Note entry mode". I pressed the 2 key: this sets the note duration to 32nd notes (three flags).

Next, I press the C key. This enters a "C" note, but in the wrong octave. Pressing Ctrl+Down moves it down an octave to the correct pitch: "middle C".

For the next bit, it will enter the letter notes closest to the previous note, so pressing E, G, C enters the first arpeggio.

The next note is the "E" an octave down, so I press E, then Ctrl+Down to enter an "E" and move it to the correct octave.

Then G, C, E completes the second arpeggio.

Next G, Ctrl+Down, C, E, G enters the third arpeggio in the first measure. This completes the first measure of the treble clef.

If I wanted to continue in the treble clef, I could simply keep typing in the same manner, save that in the 4th measure, I would have to set the duration to eighth note, which is the 4 key. For this example, I will complete the first measure in the bass clef now.

Pressing Alt+Down moves the cursor down to the bass clef. (If I had entered multiple voices, it would have moved down through Voice 2, Voice 3, and Voice 4 before moving to Voice 1 in the bass clef).

The note duration in the bass clef note is an eighth note, so I press 4 to set that. Then I press C to enter the bottom note of the chord. Press Shift+E, then Shift+G enters the other notes in the chord.

You'll see that the two remaining eighth rests are already present. You could simply press the Right key twice to move to the second measure or you could press 0 (that's a "zero") twice to explicitly enter two rests. Both actions have the same outcome.

At this point I pressed the N key again to toggle note entry mode OFF.

Notice that the arpeggios in the treble clef are beamed together while your image has them separated. If you want yours to appear the same, click the "E" (at the beginning of the second arpeggio), then Ctrl+click the "G" (at the beginning of the third arpeggio). Expand the Beam properties palette and click the Break beam left button.

20241207 1508 - beam properties.jpg

This breaks the beam to the left of the selected notes and notice that it flips the third arpeggio as well, since its notes are all well above the mid-point of the staff.

Next, we want to enter the dynamic marking. Click on the first "C" note in the measure to select it. Open the Dynamics palette and click the p to attach it to that note.

Next, we want the expression text leggiermente ("lightly" in Italian). We want it also attached to the first "C" note, so once again, click the "C" to select it. In the Text palette, select expression. This adds the word "expression" but we want it to say leggiermente. Double-click the word "expression", then press Ctrl+A which selects the entire word. Type "leggiermente" to replace the one word with the other.

Finally, to enter the fingering, click the first "C" to select it. Click on Add / Text / Fingering. Press 1 to enter a "1" on the "C" note. Press Space to move to the next note. Continue in the same fashion: 2, Space, 3, Space, 5, Space, 1, Space, 2, Space, 4, Space, 5, Space, 1, Space, 2, Space, 4, Space, 5.

This has completed that first measure and I have attached the file containing this measure. You can complete the rest of the page in something on the order of 30-60 minutes. As you do it more, you'll get faster. After many years of doing this, I could notate this page in about 10-15 minutes if I weren't also creating this detailed description.

Piano AJ.mscz

I recommend you take an hour or two and read the Handbook ( from beginning to end. Don't read it to learn it by heart; instead, a quick skim through will inform you of what it contains ... so that when you need a particular topic, you'll be able to recall "oh, that was in the Handbook" and be able to then go find it to actually LEARN how to do that particular task.

Good luck!

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