Ties not working properly
I was making a song into a piano version, and there's a tied note that just won't work properly. When played back, it just plays the note really quickly and ignores the tie. It works for other notes, but not the particular one, G#. I deleted the tie and redid it, deleted the whole bar and then redid it, and copy and pasting the note just copies the bug onto other bars. I don't know how to fix it, and it's really annoying to hear. How do I fix this?
Attachment | Size |
Underneath the Tree.mscz | 45.71 KB |
I see no G# in that score. There are a few C#s and loads of A flats. Do you mean Ab? If so which one?
In reply to I see no G# in that score… by SteveBlower
Yeah, I meant A flat. It’s the one that is an eight note tied with a whole note over the bar, in the section where the treble part in the middle doesn’t do that much. And the one that is in basically the same bar duplicated but the middle treble part is doing down arpeggios.
In reply to Yeah, I meant A flat. It’s… by Cooper78
Now we're really lost. What bar number is it please?
In reply to Now we're really lost. What… by FBXOPWKDOIR2
25 - 26, and 33 - 34. Everywhere else it works fine.
In reply to 25 - 26, and 33 - 34… by Cooper78
And now 37 - 38.
(Updated version attached.)
In reply to And now 37 - 38. (Updated… by Cooper78
The ties play fine but the chord in the middle stave predominates audibly.
In reply to The ties play fine but the… by underquark
How do I fix it?
In reply to How do I fix it? by Cooper78
I re-inputted the top staff of bars 33 and 34. It works fine. Only in your score do these bars malfunction when they hit the A flat. I suggest your score is somehow corrupted. Try starting fresh and re-input it note for note, do not copy-paste.
In reply to And now 37 - 38. (Updated… by Cooper78
You have two treble clefs and play an Eb in each (m. 37, 38).
The upper, tied half note is therefore interrupted by the lower chord, which also contains an Eb. How would you play this with a piano? You have to release the Eb key and press it again.
Musescore does nothing else...
In reply to You have two treble clefs… by HildeK
I just realised that 37 - 38 wasn't a problem, it just sounded weird with two of the same note at the same time.
In reply to I just realised that 37 - 38… by Cooper78
That's ok, as I've outlined above you have bigger fish to fry than 37-38.