Are there standard or non-standard fonts for vocal text that would be displayed correctly on the service? For example, the font "Arial Narrow" for a compact look.
Are there standard or non-standard fonts for vocal text that would be displayed correctly on the service? For example, the font "Arial Narrow" for a compact look.
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What service?
Edwin, Free Serif and Free Sans are built in to the program so guaranteed to work everywhere
In reply to What service? Edwin, Free… by Jojo-Schmitz
The font "Arial Narrow" is displayed on the computer, and on the "musescore" service it is replaced by the font "DejaVu Sans".
In reply to The font "Arial Narrow" is… by sa333
"musescore" service
I guess you mean If so: ask over there. I guess Arial Narrow is not a free font, and as such can't be made available on that siteIn reply to With "musescore" service I… by Jojo-Schmitz