Issue with chord placement in MS 4.4.4

• Dec 23, 2024 - 10:36

A little special: As a piano player, I may have a voice system above my own part, but I put the chords above the piano, so inbetween the lines. It ended up like this:
Bug chord placement 1.png

Seems to be more or less reproductible. Looks like this happens:
a) All chords are in the right place except for a few systems where all chords are too close to the song text and with a slightly too high distance towards the piano part;
b) The value "Versatz" (not sure what it is in English) is at -1.5, when reducing it to -1.4, it may happen that it jumps down to almost the right place (so in fact, it wasn't at -1.5). If I put it back to -1.5, it's totally in the right place. I can do the same to all chord symbols in the system and everything looks nice;
c) if I find a second system with the same problem, I restart doing what I did, but the program/the chart behaves differently; this may also happen at the first attempt: Every time I reduce or augment the "Versatz" value, the distance between piano and voice gets wider. There is no way to get them back together. It ends up in a total mess. If I save that messed-up chart and re-open it, everything is back to what it was: no messed-up system, but the chords still in the wrong place - too far from the piano part.
Interestingly, not only the marked chord jumps to the new place, but another one from the same bar as well:
Bug chord placement 2.png

Side note: The not correctly placed line with chord symbols initially had a chord that overlapped with an adjacent one, so it was placed above the others. When the problem occurs, it's for some reason in line with the others.


Images are slightly helpful. But much more important is your actual score - the .mscz file which contains all the layout information. You can attach your score to this thread with the "Choose a file" button.

In reply to by F. Ziegler

Try Ctrl+A and Ctrl+R - this is Reset Layout.
Then it may be that a slight shift of "On Cue" or "a Tempo" in measure 60 already has an effect.
Also, it may make more sense to set the dynamics labels in the top line to "Above" so that not everything, lyrics and dynamics labels are on the same side.

I can't understand your problem with 3.7! It looks good for the most part.

BTW: you can use "Edit" to change your post afterwards and delete your file once you have completed the task.

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