Portamento when using solo string instruments for a string quartet is too much and unnatural

• Mar 17, 2025 - 22:16

I am writing a string quartet. I am using MuseSounds for the instruments. In certain passages an unecessary portamento is added to the playback. It would be nice to have the option but it is automatically added and adds an uncharacteristic but very noticeable articulation. I followed a previous recommendation avoid the excessive portamento in the first violin by choosing to have the "Violin 2" sound used for both violins. This happens in the viola and cello as well however. Any help?

Attachment Size
String Quartet #1 v1.mscz 63.39 KB


In reply to by bobjp

Thanks. I have tried that a bit but I am going to go through them again and see what happens. Adding Tenuto marks to everything helps a bit but it also effects the volume and clarity. I will keep trying. I would be great of Musescore allowed you to apply Portamento in increments from zero. Anyway...

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