MuseScore 2.0 Beta 1 - Tuplet Properties missing

• Aug 28, 2014 - 14:17

There is no context menu (i.e., right-click) for Tuplet Properties, and no way to control Tuplet Properties via the Inspector if Number and Bracket are set to 'Nothing'.

Windows 8.1, desktop.


Indeed, as then there's nothing left to select.
Selecting one of the notes, like in 1.3, doesn't help.
I guess ther inspector should show tuplete properties on notes (that are part of a tuplet)

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

When you select a note, there are button down the inspector (maybe that could be made upper, as sometimes we don't really see them) to select object linked to the note as steam for exemple...
so why don't add a tuplet button here ? (or articulation button ?)

In reply to by [DELETED] 448831

What exactly do you mean? Can you post a sample score and/or the steps to reprodu e the problem you are seeing?

Sounds unrelated from your description, so a separate thread here in the forum would be the way to go.

EDIT: oh, I think I see what you mean. *If* you set the number and bracket to nothing, then there is nothing to select in order to delete the tuplet, so the only way to get rid of it is to select a larger region (eg, the triplet plus one more note).

In 1.3, simply selecting the notes of the tuplet themselves and hitting delete was enough to delete the tuplet. I kind of like that the first press of delete now just replaces the notes with rests - it's more like how things work in voices >1 - but then, hitting delete again should perhaps delete the tuplet itself.

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