Adding lyrics/ combining four voices onto one staff

• Sep 16, 2014 - 22:44

I'm wondering if there's a way to add lyrics beneath the four voices, or, if possible, to compress the four voices onto one staff, and put the lyrics in the center. Does anyone know how to do either of these things?


To add lyrics, see Lyrics in the Handbook. Are you sure you really want to put four. Oices on a single staff? I'm betting you really mean two staves - SA on top, TB on bottom. Either way is possible - see Voices .

In reply to by owen.laurie.3

There is the Implode plugin, but it only works in very simple cases. So copy and paste will probably be the way to go. Hint - copy alto art, then use Edit / Voices / Exchange to move to voice 2, then copy in the soprano part. Similarly for bottom staff.

Yes, it is possible to have (up to) 4 voices in one staff and yes, adding lyrics to any staff is possible too.
Assuming you're talking about a SATB score, it may better better though to use 2 staves which 2 voices each (soprano and altea in top staff, tenor and bass in bottom staff) and add the lyricics to the upper staff, so they appear between the 2 staves.

Hi Sir Marc!

First let me say that I really love MuseScore. It is really user friendly, easy to share and navigate! Lots of kudos and I continue to learn while using it. I have a question: is it possible to copy Lyrics to the Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass Staves in MuseScore 3? J-J SATB Sample.mscz I already have the four SATB Parts however the Lyrics for the SATB Parts are the same. So far I have had to be typing the Lyrics from scratch for each Part separately. I would appreciate any insight you or anyone may have thanks in advance!

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