Toolbar Icon for the Inspector

• Sep 27, 2014 - 12:19

The Inspector plays such an important part in editing in MuseScore 2, that I feel it should have an icon on the file operations toolbar, perhaps next to the MuseScore Connect icon.

Or perhaps clicking the MuseScore Connect icon should toggle between the Connect Panel and the Inspector.

I certainly think that the ability to open it should not be buried inside menus for those of us who can never remember which Function key opens it :)

Comments please :)


I understand that for advanced users the inspector is important but it shouldn't be that useful for the average user. Which manipulation makes the inspector such an important part in editing?

I don't like the toggle idea either... The inspector and MuseScore Connect have nothing in common that would link them except their default docking area which we can change. It would be very weird if they share a common toggle button in the toolbar. Also, we don't have toggle in the toolbar for the moment so it would mean add another type of button: One more unexpected thing for new users.

If it can be demonstrated that the inspector is important enough t. Then we could display it by default below MuseScore Connect. Like in this screenshot.


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

That'd work too. The inspector is a vital part, esp. with the removal of moste of the context menus AKA right-click properties.
First thing I do after a factory reset is to switch off connect and switch on inspector :-) to me it is far more important and I don't have the screen real estate for both.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I would say that no single function of the Inspector is so important on its own, but when you add up the things you need it for that used to be in right click menus, I think it should be visible in some more easily discoverable place. Details of how don't concern me much, but buried in View menu seems not good enough to me. Consider from a users' perspective - he is thinking, "how do I make this note small (or whatever)"; the "View" menu is not a natural place to look, and the name "Inspector" doesn't invite me to try it.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Not certain how to demonstrate it is important enough. Or just what "average" is understood to be. I believe over time even an average user will find need to use the inspector.

My input is that the inspector should have an icon on the toolbar, but should not be associated with Musescore Connect. Nor should there be a Musescore Connect/Inspector toggle. The idea to share the space with Musescore connect via a tab at the bottom seems fine. I don't use Musescore Connect and don't know that I ever will.

I am keyboard oriented computer user, hence not "typical" and I don't mind at all learning that F8 toggles the Inspector on/off, although so far I have it on and have left it on. But I am certain it will be an issue for others, as Marc has described.

Throughout the arduous MuseScore 1.3 to MuseScore 2.0 transition, I have read many posts in the forums from users who are searching for ways to do the same things in 2.0 (or the nightlies) which they had done in 1.3.
Many times they are referred to the Inspector - where many tools now reside. So, I'm not sure if the Inspector is mainly for advanced users.

Here's a very recent post:

ChurchOrganist makes a valid point regarding the importance of the Inspector - the new 'go to' place for adjusting many properties of score elements.
Lasconic's 'tabs' illustration would be fine, or even a dedicated Inspector icon as per ChurchOrganist.


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