Musescore Beta change language

• Nov 6, 2014 - 14:32

Hi every body,

I have installed in French Musescore Beta... How can I change it into English...? To be able to do screenshot to add to the handbook ....? ;)
I tried ressource manager, but still in french ... and also uninstal and reinstall , the same thing happens.

Thank you in advance


See and adjust to 2.0 ;-)
Change to English US, that has only very few strings translated, mostly those involving flats and sharps
In the images I created so far, I tried to avoid being language specific, for those where this was not avoidable, I added an "_en" to the filename, so translators can replace those with e.g. "_fr" images.
Also make sure to stay as close as possible to the default settings.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

JoJo: speaking of flats and sharps in the English translation - Andrei noticed a somewhat recent change where "flat" gets translated as the actual flat sign followed by the word "flat", and this causes the screenreader to read "B flat flat" when you put your cursor on a Bb in the score. We discussed using qApp->translate() in the place where he is getting that value so he could pass in some context to tell translators not to do this here. I think he's on it, but I'm out of my element with respect to helping. So this is just a heads up that there is something that probably needs looking at.

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