Broken Text Line

• Jan 3, 2015 - 01:36

In some books, text lines only appear at the start and end of the applicable sections, rather than throughout.

Broken Text Line - 1.png
Broken Text Line - 2.png

Is MusicXML capable of representing this? If not, maybe a request can be made for future versions. I would imagine MuseScore could implement support in the meantime?

Attachment Size
Broken Text Line - 1.png 649.57 KB
Broken Text Line - 2.png 687.47 KB


In reply to by chen lung

Not sure what part of it you are having trouble with, but:

1) drag line from palette
2) right click
3) line properties
4) add hook (start hook for start line, end hook for end line)

Then you can use Inspector to make the line dashed if you like.

Seems very straightforward to me. There are two separate lines on the score, what on earth is wrong with needing to place them as such?

In reply to by chen lung

If this were a very standard markings used for a very standard purpose with very standard rendering rules established by convention, then maybe it would be worth the complication of adding yet another element type and yet another dialog to give one the necessary control over the various aspects of it that would needed to make it useful. As it is, it's just something someone decided to do for their own reasons, probably by using the exact same method that I described. Having a special purpose element just for this would be unnecessarily complication - it's already easily doable using existing elements. It's not a "workaround"; you want two lines, so you place two lines, simple as that.

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