Slash Chords

• Mar 24, 2009 - 19:59

Something that I would find very useful is a way to remove stems from a group of notes rather than one at a time.

Thank you.


I would like to add to that, the ability to make notes small or invisible as a group, rather than one at a time. Selecting each note of a lengthy cadenza to make it small can be rather tedious.

In reply to by MDMilford

I guess what we are talking about is some way to "lasso" a group of notes and then do a group alteration. There are numerous ways that this would be useful. One way to do this, perhaps, (note to programmers - I have no knowledge of what your challanges are) is to hold another key down qhile lassoing the group of notes. Even selecting at the start and at the end gets tedious after a while, and a reduction in key strokes and mouse clicks is alway welcome.

Best regards.

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