Incorrect note heard

• Nov 26, 2010 - 01:17

I seem to have discovered a bug in an uploaded score .

In bar 29, you click on the A♯, it plays an A.

However, if you play it, you can hear both an A and A♯ cluster.

Using and 10.4.11.


Haven't checked that one specifically, but in general, if you enter both and A and an A# in the same staff on the same beat, they are placed on top of each other. So what looks like just an A# is really both an A and an A#, hence why you hear both. When you click on it, it defaults to selecting the A natural.
Try pressing down to move the note down to a G or so... you probably see two notes now?

It does, on the other hand, seem that they should not be on top of each other... perhaps that should be the real bug report.

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