MIDI Keyboard Input do not works in Musescore 2 and Ubuntu 14.4

• Jul 12, 2015 - 10:16

My system: Ubuntu 14.4
Musescore 2.0.0
Keyboard: MIDISTART 2

After upgrade to 2.0: Musescore are not more listed in aconnectgui and MIDI keyboard input is not working anymore..
Any ideas how to work out this problem?
Thank you in advance,

p.s.: removing 2.0 and installing 1.3 solve the problem, MIDI is working without problems with the old version of Musescore. My solution at the moment ist to work with 1.3 in Ubuntu and to use 2.0.1 with Wine.


In reply to by marcoambrosini

Usually you have to start the JACK server with qjackctl, then you start musescore (make sure in Edit->Preferences->I/O you are set to use Jack and have "Use Jack Midi" checked...it that was not already set before, then you need to restart musescore), and then you may have to open the qjackctl connections and draw a line from the midi keyboard into the musescore as input.

The following worked for me:

connect the keyboard

start musescore

Enter Settings, I/O (not shure how it is called, in german it is E/A)
check Port Audio

restart musescore
Settings IO: there should be API:ALSA, device: default

now it works

Ok but it breaks the playback sound for my case...
I found a solution to have both MIDI keyboard input and sound, with using jack and a couple hours of research. I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 and Musescore 2.02, with MIDI keyboard Akai LPK25.

Create a .jackdrc file on your "home" directory containing the following:
/usr/bin/jackd -d alsa --device hw:0 --rate 44100 --period 128 --midi-driver raw
The last --midi-driver raw" is essential for jackd being able to mix the midi keyboard into musescore. Musescore will pick up automatically the .jackdrc when launched, and will start jackd.

Now launch musescore, Edit > Preferences > I/O. Select "Jack", tick both "Use MIDI jack" and "Use sound jack".

Launch qjackctl (install it if not there). This is the GUI that enables you to connect ports together.
In qjackctl, click on "Connect". In the connection dialog select the "MIDI" tab, you should see both musescore ("mscore") and "system" ports (thanks to the --midi-driver raw trick above).
Select the port "midi_capture" under "system" on the left, and the port "mscore-midiin-1" in "mscore" on the right. Click on "Connect". A line should be now drawn between the two ports.
Quit qjackctl.

I noticed that the connection is persistent, therefore each time I start musescore everything is ready to play! (no need to go through qjackctl again)

Below the most useful posts I found if you need more details thanks to the authors!):
http://tedfelix.com/linux/linux-midi.html (however I did not need to remove pulseaudio)

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