Can't post this score

• Jul 12, 2015 - 22:34

I tried to update one of my posts with an edit I did but it wouldn't upload for some reason, so I tried posting it separately to find out what was wrong. This is what it said word for word.

Measure 32, staff 6, voice 3 too long. Expected: 4/4; Found: 44/32\nMeasure 48, staff 6, voice 3 too long. Expected: 4/4; Found: 40/32

I counted the note values in both measures but they seemed to count up just fine. I even deleted the whole measure in the drums (staff 6) in both measures 32 and 48 and tried posting it but it said exactly the same thing.

It doesn't make sense to me. I send an attachment of the score.


There is definitely a problem in those measures. The error message is very specific - the problem is voice 3. In both measures, it starts off with a half rest on beat 1, and is then followed immediately by an eighth rest on beat 1.5 (measure 32) and a quarter not on beat 2 (measure 48). It's possible you are being thrown by the measure numbering, which is not including the pickup. Use Ctrl+F to locate the measure to be sure your measure numbers are in agreement with MuseScore's.

In both cases, you should be able to fix the problem by shortening the rests.

Any insight you can share into how this might have happened would be useful in fixing the bug that led to this corruption in the frst place. There were many known bugs in 1.3 that could cause corruption; they are pretty much all fixed. There are a couple of known bugs in 2.0 and 2.0.1 involving some of the new features - ability to move individual notes between voices, local (per-staff) time signatures - that are also mostly fixed for the upcoming 2.0.2. It doesn't seem you were using local time signatures, but if you were using the feature to move notes between voices (select notes while not in note input mode, press a voice button on toolbar), that could possibly explain what happened.

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