To coda jump on playback

• May 1, 2011 - 05:01

Hello! I am new to musescore and extremely happy my professor suggested I try it out! I use FINALE at school but could not find a version compatible with Windows 7. I've searched the forums looking for the answer to my question but to no avail. So, here it is: At the end of my score, I have a repeat with "To Coda" halfway through the repeat. The jump goes to the end of the song where there are two measures remaining marked with the coda sign. I applied the text and the sign from the palette. I have been unsuccessful at getting it to play back for me correctly. Is my notation off ( or does this program not recognize that kind of jump? Any assistance will be appreciated.


To Coda does not work with repeat barline. You need to use a DS al coda and a DS (or a DC al coda if you repeat from the start) with To Coda and a Coda sign.

Attachment Size
coda.mscz 1.76 KB

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