Facilitate the navigation into a score

• Sep 26, 2015 - 15:52


I asked a question in the French forum about the facilities that MuseScore provides to navigate into a document, it seems that there are not a lot.

Also I found not easy to navigate like I would like into a document.

PDF Reader or Microsoft Word are examples of soft that provide more facilities. They could by learned to enhance the navigation into MuseScore.

This is some main defaults that I found:

  • As the different pages are listed horizontally, even if all the line of the score is visible, I need to navigate first vertically in to the page and then horizontally between the pages.
    It is not difficult but it complicates a quick read of the document.
    An option would be to propose a vertical list of all the pages of the document.
    A soft like Microsoft Word, to facilitate a bit more have an option to hide the top and the bottom margin. It is like if I read an infinite paper roll.
    This is different of the continuous view that is already provided because the layout is fully respected.
  • The [Page down] and [Page up] button move the same way in the document, it is not depending of the zoom.
    In software like Microsoft Word and PDF reader, it is possible to only use the [Page down] button to read all the document. The part of the document that is displayed is just the following of the part that was visible before the use of the key. The first goes from the start to the end of the document, the second in the opposite direction.
  • The current behaviour of MuseScore is also available in a soft like PDF reader with the following combination of keys: [Ctrl]+[Page down] and [Ctrl]+[Page down].
    MuseScore could also implement these shortcut to navigate.

  • When no item is selected, the arrow keys are off. They could also be used to navigate in the document.
    Combination could be used to enhance more. For example one could be used to go to the side of the page (left, right, top or bottom according the key). Another could be used to display the part that is just not visible (the one on the left, right, top or bottom according the key). It is way to enhance the [Page down] and [Page up] I proposed above.
  • It is possible to start the navigation into the document just by pressing the key and moving the mouse to navigate but I regularly make mistake when the mouse is too near of a movable item as instead of starting the navigation, I move the item. There is nothing to identify the zones of the document that can be used to start the move, they are between score lines, but not everywhere because of items that exceed of the line.
  • The middle button could be used for this with no risk of mistake. To facilitate the scroll, a key could be used to force a horizontal or vertical move. In this case, it is only the orientation that is used, when the mouse goes right, the move is horizontal to the right, even if the move is not really horizontal.

Even if most of the enhancements proposed here are for the page view some of them would also interesting for the continuous view.




To sum up your requests:

  1. A new mode with page stacked vertically and not horizontally. It has been discussed several times. See here for example. The main problem is the navigator. You know about it? View > Navigator. It's one way to navigate the score without problems.
  2. A shortcut to navigate to the next visible part of a page. You would prefer to use PageDown/PageUp for this feature and link the current behavior of these shorcuts to Ctrl+PageUp/Down. Why not.
  3. Use the arrow keys to navigate to the next visible "rectangle" of the score when nothing is selected. My first though, I don't like it. Mapping keys differently based on the selection doesn't sound user friendly.

Regarding the last one, you know about Shift + Scroll to force horizontal scroll? For the middle button, it's something we explored but we need to take into account that a lot of users don't have such a button. I made a pull request here https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/pull/2124 but it needs more tests and probably work.

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About your answer:

  1. Two navigator windows could be managed internally, with at least one visible to the user and only one entry in the menu and all the other places where the navigation is mentioned.
  2. When the zoom is more important, vertical and horizontal moves are required.
    For me, it is more complicate to press and release the shift button according the move I want to do than to press a key before the move and then just use the mouse approximatively in the direction I want.
    Shift + Scroll is intersecting in the continuous view.

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