Help with Vocals

• Apr 22, 2011 - 23:42

Hi! I am composing a score, and I reached "writers' block". Can anyone help me come up with a line of vocals during the second section? It is the part when the bass, guitar, and the bass part on piano come in, alto sax leaves, and percussion gets a little more active. I just need some hints on notes to put there. Anyone got any ideas?
Also, you don't have to fully make a line. You can just lead me in the right direction.

And on another topic. Is there any way I can attach the alto sax part onto the vocals?

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I'm Me.mscz 5.8 KB


I would say that in the begining of that part you should probably use notes from the C cords, as well as "supporting notes" (i don't think they're actually called this) such as F, Ab if you want a certain effect, maybe Bb, and D. That's just what sounds good to me, though.

Here's an idea. What you have there sounds good, but try to reduce the score to only electric guitar and bass at the 2nd section. And further more, pick the notes on 1st beat in each measure. Those are the main notes that lead the harmony. What you get is C and E in 1st bar, Bb and D in next bar, F and C in next etc. Even if you have a complete broken triad in the electric guitar, think of these two notes as two voices. Your third voice would be your vocal part and it should complete the triad. So start the vocal part with placing G in the first bar, then F, then A etc. Then let the melody grow from this. The melody doesn't have to complete the triad in each bar, but when it does that, it gives a warm harmonic boost to everything, hopefully to your inspiration in the first place. I have one vocal line in mind already, but I won't reveal it before you try this.
And just to clarify, reducing the score was only meant for making the two part harmony clearer. When you have your melody, add it to your original score. Or to the extended score that AdrianFlute did.

Apr 25, 2011 - 23:02

How is this right now? Remember that there is going to be more sections and this is just setting the theme.

Also, I softened the Piano part, but didn't delete it in the second section because the person that will play the Piano said no.

Attachment Size
I'm Me.mscz 6.44 KB

In reply to by Anonymous

The problem is the apostrophe in the file name. Look at your address bar in your browser after you've clicked on the download link. The apostrophe has been replaced by some "#%¤&/. Change that back to an apostrophe in the bar, press enter and your download should start. You might still get a complaint in the browser window, but look for the downloaded file on your hard disk. It should be there. At least this is what happened when I used Firefox.

how's this for a possibility. Since your piece is built on chords and characterised by the quaver rhythm, I think that as long as you remain faithful to those two features the vocal part can sort of write itself. Be careful with the bass notes which are quite exposed in this texture and that they convey the intended harmony . you may notice i took the the liberty of changing a b to a g to clarify the imperfect cadence in the suggested vocal addition, plus a couple of other voices for to make more sound.

May 2, 2011 - 20:49

In reply to by Roosen

1) When you are trying to attach it, make sure it isn't a .mscz, file. If it is regular, it should work. Just try.
2) In the HTML coding, it replaces the apostrophe with random symbols (from unicode, sometimes a number). Switch those to the apostrophe and it will upload onto your computer.

I have no idea what to do with vocals but I play In a band and this piece caught my eye. I saw that with a little arranging we could play it. I've spent half an hour or so tinkering, and I have now got a result.
Could I please ask you if we could practise this and play it? I would really love to use it...
I have included a copy of what I've done. Make any changes you want.
Hope you you like it,

Attachment Size
Im Me Transcription.mscz 8.24 KB
Jun 3, 2011 - 02:01

In reply to by Greensage95

All though, one thing: please change it up a smidge more before you try it in actual concerts and such if it gets to that.
If it does, post hear so I can expect it.

In reply to by Anonymous

I really feel great that you would think of doing that.
However that might be hard, as I live in South Wales!
I have had a practise session and all has gone well, so perhaps I could even broadcast what we've done at some point in the future...

Jun 6, 2011 - 21:02

In reply to by Greensage95

Just do it during the summer. Then I can get out to see it. Sadly, next year I start "high school" (still in the middle school (8-9)), so I can't miss any days.

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