Corrupted file after conversion to 2.0 - plus missing section

• Nov 13, 2015 - 15:18

Hi: Last night my son worked on his very first score. He started it in an old version of Musescore that he downloaded last year. Part way through composing he upgraded to 2.0 and continued editing his creation. At the end, when he tried to open it in the internet site he got notice of numerous corrupted elements. When he chose "ignore" and opened the file, it had whole bar rests inserted after every bar and a number of bars at the end disappeared and were replaced by a page and half of whole bar rests. It also did not play back at the correct tempo any more. In other words, it was a disaster! He is using a recent version of Windows - I believe it is 8.1. We both read the instructions about fixing corrupted elements. He wrote the piece in 2/4 and each bar still seems to add up to 2/4 so we are not sure what to fix. Can someone please steer us in the right direction? Before it showed up corrupted, I had him send me the piece by email. I have attached that version below. Since I am unable to open it, I can't tell if it has the same corruption issues. Can someone take a look and see if there is a way to save it, if it is indeed a good version? Also, are you able to save it in another format so we can play it back?

Attachment Size
Violin Concerto in C.mscz,.mscz 5.61 KB


The file opens in with 2.0.2 and does not show (to me) corruptions.
But it seems to have been generated with 1.3. It seems to contain 51 measures compiled and subsequent 49 empty. The one you attached is the backup copy (note the semicolon at the end).
Perhaps you first need to upgrade to 2.0.2? Let us know... Regards

It looks like you probably attached the wrong version of the score - the double "mscz" and the comma in the name suggest this is actually took a backup copy of the score (which normally ends ".mscz,") and then tried to turn it into a regular copy by adding another ".mscz". Most likely you'd be better off finding the real copy of the score, unless this happened long ago and the old backup copy is now your best version. I guess maybe he made that mistake when he emailed it to you.

Anyhow, that score doesn't seem corrupt, but it also looks far from being complete. It stops abruptly in bar 52, has no notes in any but the top four staves. Depending on how much further he had gone after this old backup version was made, he might be better posting the current version of the score here and maybe people can help fix the corruptions.

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