Automatic View Alignment - Keep Camera Still When Pressing N

• Nov 30, 2015 - 15:01

I am wondering if there is a setting to turn a certain feature off when writing. Every time I activate Note Input mode, the camera shoots me to an other part of the score. I guess it is whatever was last selected. This feature is very annoying to me and I want to know how to turn it off. The same goes for when the view changes as I am writing. As soon as I fill the last beat of a measure at the end of a line, it moves to the next one, and sometimes to the next page. I want to move the view on my own, thank you very much, Musescore. I would also like to know how to turn off the automatic measure sizing, or at least delay it until I return from Note Input mode. Also a button to update the automatic sizing would be nice so my note don't move without warning - that often causes me to make mistakes.

I would be very grateful to anyone who can help me to change these options. And if there are no available options for these features, maybe the developers can arrange for that.

Thank You!


You are correct tat note input starts with the currently select note. If you check the documentation, you'll see you are always supposed to begin note entry by selecting the measure or note at which you wish to begin note input. Apparently you have been skipping this step. Get in the habit of selecting the intended location before pressing "N" and all will be well.

There is no option to prevent MuseScore from repositioning the score to keep the input position in view - having the input position *not* in view would be bad.

Not sure what you mean about "automatic measure sizing". Or, if I do, I don't understand how it could be disabled. By default, measures are tiny - only big enough for the full measure rest. If they did not automatically expand as you entered notes, you wouldn't be able to enter more than a couple of notes into a measure before you'd bump into the barline.

As mentioned, Continuous View might suit your style better, but it's still not going to allow the input position to go off screen, or allow notes to be entered past the barline.

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