You can replace by rests but you can't delete notes. If you could do it, the measure would not be complete.
So if you need a shorter measure, change the time signature or if it's in a pickup context, right click on the measure -> Measure properties -> Change actual duration to suitable value.
Instructions are in the handbook (see note entry ). Just replace the existing note with the correct one.
In reply to Instructions are in the by David Bolton
thanks David !
I see it's possible to replace but to delete ?
In reply to thanks David ! I see it's by bclouds
You can replace by rests but you can't delete notes. If you could do it, the measure would not be complete.
So if you need a shorter measure, change the time signature or if it's in a pickup context, right click on the measure -> Measure properties -> Change actual duration to suitable value.
In reply to You can replace by rests but by [DELETED] 5
Ok, I'm grateful for your support !