How to put more space between header and staff on second + pages

• Mar 13, 2016 - 06:23

I'm new to Musescore so sorry if this is a silly question, but I've searched everywhere and cannot find the answer.

I have the title of my piece on all pages of my composition, but it is too close to the staff - how do I put more space between my title on the 2+ pages and the staff?

Thanks in advance.


Posting the actual score you are having trouble with would help, so we can see exactly what is going on, but in general, you probably want to increwase the "Music top margin" in Style / General / Page. That or increase the size of the page margin in Layout / Page Settings, then perhaps adjust the position of the header itself in Style / Text / Header.

In reply to by Celesty Probst

I found you can move header text or footer text up or down or sideways via Style>Text>then choose "Header" or ""Footer" from the scroll list, then change the Offset>Vertical or Horizontal value to what you want. Note: This applies to the header/footer text on all pages EXCEPT the title page.

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