Single and double D. S. al Coda Revisited
A while back, I asked the question about double segno usage. I never solved the problem, I just duplicated measures. Well, I figured I would give it another shot before I did the same with this sheet music. I read the manual and assume there is no way to use double Segno marks. If I am wrong, please let me know.
I have attached the sheet music I am trying to transcribe and the Musescore file where I am trying to duplicate the sheet music. If there is a way of duplicating the sheet music as writtem, please let me know.
Attachment | Size |
To All The Girls I’ve Loved Before 1 Piano Solo.pdf | 1.26 MB |
ToAllTheGirlsIveLovedBefore_4.mscz | 24.58 KB |
At the beginning of bar 23, you've tried to create a double Segno by placing two Segnos. Each of them bear the label "segno". You also have a Segno at the beginning of bar 5 and it, too, is labelled "segno". MuseSCore doesn't know which Segno to jump to unless they have different labels.
Use a different symbol (click on More... in the Repeats & Jumps palette and use Segno Variation). Tell your DS where to jump to and make the other a DSS and tell it where to jump to.
I see this is a v3 score, so the changes (Labels, Jump to etc.) are made using the Inspector.
In reply to At the beginning of bar 23,… by underquark
Thank you for the help and explanation. I will try that tomorrow morning.
In reply to Thank you for the help and… by nlsavin
Attached is my try with no success. Can you tell me what I am doing wrong? It makes logical sense to me. The Segno Variation is labeled "varsegno". The DSS says jump to "varsegno" and play until "fine". But it does not make the jump!
In reply to Attached is my try with no… by nlsavin
i think your Voltas are confusing the program. I'd suggest rewriting it without such complex jumps and conditions.
Well, you can replace the double Segno with a Varsegno. You can also create your own segno character (simply make two out of one), but you must name it in the inspector with segno2, for example. So you have a Segno in the start part and a separate Segno in the end part. This is not a problem.
The problem here is the voltas and the repeat bar lines. I'm not an experienced musician, but I can't follow the score - and you should be able to do that as a beginner. At least, at the end must be a D.S. al Fine!
And at least the 3rd volta has a characteristic that the end hook has an influence.
In any case, the voltas cannot be used to control the segno sequences.
In reply to Well, you can replace the… by HildeK
Thanks for your help. I will work through this tomorrow morning.
In reply to Thanks for your help. I will… by nlsavin
Attached is my try with no success. Can you tell me what I am doing wrong? It makes logical sense to me. The Segno Variation is labeled "varsegno". The DSS says jump to "varsegno" and play until "fine". But it does not make the jump!
In reply to Attached is my try with no… by nlsavin
No, it does not! The reason is that you have mixed Volta and Segno jumps. It doesn't work like that, you can't make a volta structure with segno jumps!
You need to clarify the order and then rearrange some measures - maybe duplicate them. And, for example, a 1st volta should end on a repeat bar line.
As I said, I don't understand how the sequence should be and so Musescore doesn't understand it either ...
In reply to Attached is my try with no… by nlsavin
The D.SS. at the very end says that it is supposed to jump to "varsegno" but I don't see any such in the score. Thus, for me it simply reaches that point and stops for lack of a target to jump to.
I'm not sure how you managed to make the "To next strain" jump to "Next strain". I see NOTHING that connects the measures or the "Expression" texts.
One thing that might help you (and us!): Number the verses in order rather than numbering them as the Voltas are numbered (at least, that's what it looks like you might have done?). You have two of each "verse 1", "verse 2", and "verse 3". Number them "1" through "6" (or are there 7?) so that a singer (and we!) can tell where we're supposed to be at this point in the song.
In reply to The D.SS. at the very end… by TheHutch
Thank you for your help. You helped me learn how to do a double jump.
I did label the jump in D.SS "varsegno" but I forgot to put the Segno Variation at measure 24. I did go back and do this, but that still did not work. I'm also not sure how Musescore managed to make the "To next strain" jump to "Next strain". I was working from published sheet music and was trying to reproduce what was there.
I thought about what you said about the mixed Volta and Segno jumps confusing Musescore. (Maybe that is why, after I added the Segno Variation to measure 24, it still did not work.) I realized I did not need the second jump. I moved the 2nd and 3rd Voltas to the end and extended the 1st Volta to include the strain. I also added the chord labels and numbered the verses to what I hope represents the original sheet music. Attached is the final file.
Thank you for taking the time to help me,