Go to previous, next rehearsal mark

• Apr 2, 2016 - 09:11

I can not find a way to, by some simple key strokes, go to a previous or a next coming rehearsal mark. I have started rehearsing music with MuseScore playing a midi piece in my headphones while at the same time I am playing a string instrument occupying both hands. I would like to be able to connect a pedal to MuseScore emulating some simple key strokes making the music, after hitting the pedal, start on a previous mark from where I need to repeat my practicing. Or to use the pedal to jump further on in the score. Would that be possible?

Thanks, Ingmar


To practice a passage, hands free, you can loop a section of your score:




While playing the looped section, hitting the spacebar twice in a row from anywhere within the loop will play from the beginning of the loop.
If necessary, you can set your keyboard on the floor and use your foot to hit the spacebar.

As far as using a pedal, there might be some kind of aftermarket footswitch which can emulate keyboard input which MuseScore understands.

(Also, the right/left arrow keys act like fast forward/reverse by holding them down during playback.)


In reply to by Jm6stringer

Thanks for replies! I have been using the loop feature. the problem with the loop is that I can define just one loop at a time, but there are many sections of the score I need go back to and rehearse daily. A possibility to define a number of loops at different parts of the score and save them for later use had solved the problem. Cubase has such a feature and that function works fine for me, but I don't want to use Cubase by other reasons.

I also looked through the list of Keyboard commands, but I found none like "Go to previous/next rehearsal mark" unfortunately. That had also solved my problem.

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