Instrument name adjacent to the page margin

• Apr 3, 2016 - 10:18

There is an option to have the instruments names to 1.00 sp. from the system barline without pulling them away from the page margin?



Possible trick: Add / Frames -> Insert Horizontal Frames;
Adjust with negative position.

Attachment Size
Test.mscz 7.97 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

In the first image I added "System left margin" (fake).
The distance between Instrument Name and barline is finely adjustable (1 sp if required, etc.), not the same way the distance (on left) between page margin and the first letter of the Instrument Name (that it is the request).
The use of the frame, with negative space, solves. I have not found something better...and I can not explain better :(


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