
• May 21, 2016 - 08:21

I am writing a piece for strings. On the playback everything is played completely legato. Where I have phrase marks or slurs they make no difference. I suppose the proper articulation is not being captured in the MIDI output. How can I get a better articulation without resorting to marks on every note?


MuseScore does not implement any specialized playback for bowing. Meaning upbow, downbow, slurred, detache will all sound the same. If you need more detailed playback for whatever reaosn, best to export your finished score to MIDI and then edit it in DAW software.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks for your reply - I feared as much. For software which is so advanced in some ways, it is surprising that it has such a fundamental flaw. I think I'm going to have to go back to my Mozart 2005 which can't record double sharps and doesn't have built-in strings in its synthesizer but does record a different duration for notes in phrases. To differentiate between a host of similar duration notes in DAW software would be extremely laborious.

In reply to by BernardK

Remember, the primary purpose of MuseScore is *notation*. Playback is just a convenient side benefit. So limitations in playback are not "fundamental flaws", any more than it is a "funamental flaw" that jet airplanes aren't the best choice for city commuting. It's just not the point of the tool. If your goal is to get the best possible playabck, then indeed, a program whose primary goal is playback might be the right way. but if your goal is to produce beautiful readable *notation*, MuseScore is what you want.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

P.S. The reason I want a "more detailed" playback is that I want it to sound like real music. My normal approach would be to write the piece, export a midi, do some DAW editing and find a good soundfont to produce the eventual result.

I'm not trying to be nasty. Can you suggest a different approach that gets me to the same place while tolerating this very ordinary playback?

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