What kind of beam is this?

• Nov 24, 2016 - 08:46

In the attached measure, what type of beam is this? and, how do I typeset it?
The open head makes the notes look like half notes, but, because of the beams and the number of notes in the measure, they appear to have the timing of quarter notes.


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triple-beams.png 10.57 KB


Found it...it's a tremolo. I entered it by entering the two notes as quarter notes, selecting the first one, then double-clicking the triple-lined tremolo. The bottom line of the bar doesn't extend to the staves of the two notes, but I think it's equivalent.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

This is a 2 note tremolo. It is the tremolo on the palette that does not have the stem through it. To see it 2 notes in a row must have the same value (such as 1/4 note) and you apply the tremolo to the first note only. I know it's supported in 2.0.3 and is very common in string music (violins, violas...).

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