Can't Load a File in Musescore 2

• Nov 24, 2016 - 15:49

I was writing when my cursor stopped moving but was able to press ctrl s to save and power off my laptop.
when i went to open the file it said "Cannot read file C:/Users/devin janssen/Documents/MuseScore2/Scores/Backup Scores/trombone duet backup.mscz:"
Please Help, here is the file
trombone duet backup.mscz


Unfortunately that file seems to be completely corrupted - it's not showing as a valid ZIP archive. It's possible that disk caching prevented the save you did from writing the file completely before you powered off, I'm afraid. You named this file "backup"; I don't suppose that means there is an original that is still good? Also check out the backup that MuseScore makes automatically - that should get you back to where this file was when you last opened it. See

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