Accessibility for visual impaired users

• Dec 7, 2016 - 20:10

Hi. Acctualy the MuseScore is unusable for visual impaired users because de color schema is an impeditive. Visual impaired people can't ready on screen with bright background. My suggestion is: implement a accessibility color schema for the MuseScore. This schema will put all the software in dark background with bright texts and symbols. With this vision impaired users will can the MuseScore.


Go to Edit > Preferences…. Then on the General tab (open by default) in the middle of the right part of the window change the Style dropdown from Light to Dark.
Press OK and restart MuseScore.

In reply to by jeetee

Thanks for the tip =). It solves half of problam. The user interface go dark but the page still bright...

I can change the color of the texts on Style menu and the color of paper on Preferences but I can't find how to change the color of score elements (lines of pentagram, notes, etc).

All elements of the sofware may be in "bright text over dark background" to be useful for visual impaired user... any text or element over a white background is unreadable...

Anyway tanks for the help... =)

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