MuseScore crashing when trying to open file

• Mar 27, 2017 - 16:33

Previously I've never had issues with MS crashing. Now, every time I try to open the file I've been working on, MS shuts down. I've tried turning my computer off and on again, so I'm out of ideas. What is the protocol when this happens?
Smaller files seem to open fine. The piece I'm working on is at 13 pages right now, so not sure if length or something else has to do with it.
Thank you in advance,


Thank you. Both these files open, but I'm noticing just through a brief glance that the score is greatly altered - spacing is completely different, certain elements are missing- feathered beams have reverted to normal beams, many symbols and articulations are either changed or gone. Bringing this score back to how I left it would be quite an undertaking. Is there no way to access the file as I saved it last?

In reply to by Shoichi

Thank you. Very similar issue. Everything I did other than very basic notes, rhythms, dynamics and articulations, is either altered or lost. A lot of time was spent working on the graphical, visual aspect, notating extended techniques, etc.

Thanks. The Quater (no idea what that is) is an improvement, but still, a good number of things are altered.
The most recent back-up file I could find is from several days ago - i.e. several days' work is lost there.
I've checked:
C:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\MuseScore 2\bin

Could it help to uninstall and re-install MuseScore, or is the file not open-able on your MS2 also?


In reply to by lewisk

No, the corruption is inside the file you've attached. I got a output of several missing elements (slurs, glissandos, textlines and so on). Not sure what changes in your score this occurred. I opened your file with the nightly of 2.1 too and exported the file as xml.

In the next stable version of musescore 2.1 (also in the nightly of 2.1) the program will handle better such things/behavior.

But reinstalling MuseScore 2.0.3. want have an effect.

Thanks. I'll wait and see if someone else has some luck. As I said, the Quater is an improvement, but bringing the score back to how it was would nonetheless take several hours.

The underlying mscx file contains lots of duplicates and other corrupt lines. I've deleted a few and the file opens but I have no idea how close it is to your intention.

Attachment Size
Virg6.mscz 76.36 KB

In reply to by underquark

Congratulations, you are the winner! Thank you Shoichi and Kuwitt for participating.
I have no idea how duplicates or corrupt lines were created. Thank you, Underquark-- the file you uploaded appears almost identical to what I lost, and the small differences will be easy to fix.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Yes, but I wanted to see if I was at least on the right track in restoring the file to a state that the OP could work on or maybe copy from into a new file. I probably wouldn't be able to find and eradicate every corrupt line since there are thousands of lines of XML code. Anyway, I believe that someone else is working on a PlugIn to remove rogue elements.

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