Scammers selling Musescore

• May 11, 2017 - 13:08

I found ebay is full of people selling Musescore software on Ebay. They're selling both Windows and Mac versions. I can see actual printed manuals, but the software???

Best regards,
Hadley Hazen :)


Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about th’universe!

-- Albert Einstein

And in case that isn't clear: here I mean the buyers...

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Really? Imagine (if you can) some older person, doesn't use the internet all that much, looking around for notation software who stumbles upon this on ebay and thinks it's a decent deal.

Of course a seasoned internet user would look it up and discover it's a free programme, but not everyone is that seasoned user.

The malefactor in this is the greedy swindler trying to make money from a free programme and someone else's work.Try to remember that.

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