Lyric entry forces line break

• Jul 12, 2017 - 22:03

I am entering lyrics into a piece that is set up to be 4 bars per line.
The first line of lyrics, including verse 1 and 2 entered correctly.
When I attempted to enter the 2nd line of lyrics, the first 2 bars work fine, but when I attempt to enter a syllable onto the 3rd beat of the 3rd bar, MS creates a line break at the end of bar 3, and pushes the 4th bar into a whole new line.

There appears to be plenty of room for the required lyric in the current 4-bar per line set up.

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O Canada_20.mscz 22.9 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Sorry about that! I included the wrong link.
Did you mean "if there WEREN'T enough room ..." ?
I managed to work around it by "scrunching" the other 3 measures until MS let me add the last couple of words into the 4th measure. After all the words were there, I could go back and re-arrange as required.

Thanks for your reply. I'm a noob here and have other questions but I'll create a new thread.
(I can't seem to find a button that says POST so I guess I just Save the comment.)

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