Tablature Note Entry Issue

• Aug 27, 2017 - 15:21

I am on Mac Sierra with MuseScore2.1.0. When I try to enter notes in tablature per the handbook instructions (, nothing happens! I am able to click on strings, but then only an open note is entered.

I searched the forums a bit but didn't find anything recent concerning this issue. Any ideas?

Thank you!


In reply to by iamspencermoore

I see a grand staff and a Tab staff 8 strings / lines.
By associating in a uncommon way a piano score and a Tab guitar staff, what is your project exactly, the wished result?

For entering notes in the Tab, you can use the mouse (default fret 0), then changing the desired fret by override this fret position by typing the numbers located on the keyboard, above the letters (not use the numeric keypad devoted to select the note values)

Preferably, use the keyboard, enter directly these numbers (above the letters) and navigate with the direction arrows.
So, eg for first measure: 1Guitar Fun.mscz

Attachment Size
1Guitar Fun.mscz 13.01 KB

In reply to by cadiz1

Hi cadiz1. Thanks again

I am currently studying composition, and want to use this notation to help me see the relationship between how notes appear on the grand staff compared to the tablature

I finally realized why I was unable to enter notes in the tablature using the keyboard: I cleared the shortcuts when I first installed MuseScore to make room for other shortcuts. I just reset the shortcuts, and the function is now working—I can input notes! Woohoo!

I am still unable to achieve my goal of completely linking the grand staff and the guitar tablature. What I want is every note entered in the grand staff to be automatically entered in the tablature, and vice versa (every note entered in the tablature automatically entered in the grad staff). I have come to the conclusion that this is not possible in MuseScore—but that's ok, I'll just manually enter in each

You wrote: ...only an open note is entered.
If you mean that a zero is entered onto the string, here's what the handbook says:
Notes are initially created on fret 0 (or a for French tablatures): to correct, type in the right number from the keyboard.

Also, be sure that the short 'blue rectangle' appears around one tablature string: this is the current string.


In reply to by Jm6stringer

I am currently studying composition, and want to use this notation to help me see the relationship between how notes appear on the grand staff compared to the tablature

Thanks for the help, however I was trying to link the grand staff and the tablature (not just the treble clef and tablature). I have come to the conclusion that this is not possible in MuseScore—but that's ok, I'll just manually enter my notes in each

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