multi measure rests in selected measures

• Apr 20, 2013 - 11:06

I would like to be able to select a certain number of measures with rests and transform it into a multi measure rest. It seems that the only way to do this is to do it for the whole score and then go back to break them when not required. It would be really good if we could do it the other way, Let the composer choose how measure rests are put together. Can this be done?

Apart form that: Great program! Thanks to all who help.



Multimeasure rests automatically break at the "normal" places - rehearsal marks, double bars, key and time signature changes, etc. it should be relatively uncommon to need to manually override the defaults. Is there some sort of special unusual situation you are trying to handle that requires this?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

The problem I have is also that in the extracted parts, the multi-measure rest option does not seem to apply. So I was thinking about doing it manually. If I copy the whole score in a empty sheet, it is OK, but if I have to copy every score into an empty score it is a bit cumbersome.
Is it because there is a hidden link to the complete score?

In reply to by odonovanr

Something seems wrong. Normally, multimeasure rests *only* apply to the parts. That is, you would never normally turn them on in the score - scores would not often have multiple measures of rest anyhow. But when you extra the part, multimeasure rests are normally enabled and everything works automatically - you never normally need to mess with these options at all. If you have a score where the generated parts are *not* enabling multimeasure rests automatically, you could post it and steps to reproduce, and maybe someone can ell what is going wrong. But again, normally this all "just works".

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