Need advice for a file that won't open

• Sep 24, 2017 - 22:30


My 13 year old son with Autism wrote this piece of music to enter into a competition. Today he ran CCleaner on his laptop and all of his scores were deleted. I am not a MuseScore user, but he informed me that he did not save copies in the cloud or printed copies (and yes, we've now had that discussion again).

I have run some file recovery programs and recovered the attached file, but MuseScore will not open it. We would great appreciate any advice. Thank you in advance.

Attachment Size
.A_Strange_Trio,_Opus_64.mscz, 33.2 KB


My Google chrome won't let me download that file, probably because of it's name. Rename the file so the . at the beginning and the , at the end is not there and see if you can open it. The posted file has the name of a backup file MuseScore automatically created for just such an emergency.

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