Score: Grand staff staves mysteriously linked, not independent.

• Dec 9, 2017 - 20:27

How I got here.

  1. Over time I have built the template of staves and names. I loaded this template as the basis of a new score.
  2. In between the grand staves I added the first 8 bars of changes.
  3. I copied that and, using the rt. arrow, moved 1 click to the right.
  4. I pasted the copy, ending up with 16 bars of changes.
  5. I then copied those 16 bars and pasted them onto each instrument.
  6. I then went out of concert mode and back in 2 times.
  7. I then clicked on the 1st bar whole rest and pressed 6.
  8. The program crashed.
    I rebooted MS and was asked if I wanted to recover the previous session. I said yes.

The score came back up with the 16 bars of changes in the grand staff only, the copies had not registered.

  1. I then again copied the 16 bars onto each stave, this times saving after each paste.
  2. When I clicked on the first rest in the treble part of the GS and pressed 6, the program did not crash. However, both staves of that bar divided into 2 half rests.

The 2 staves are not independent.

Attachment Size
TendertimeScore.mscz 23.12 KB


In reply to by cadiz1

Well, I have over-written it using the fix you mentioned previously. It most likely is a backup or previous, plus I saved it under a couple of other names.

However I would not be able to enumerate the steps really. I built it up over quite a period of time, making incremental changes as I re-tweaked.

As to the initial template, it is the one I used for these last couple of tunes, Kaleidoscope and the one attached to this thread.

Thanks so much for your help.

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