How do I half the Length of a note, add a dot above it?
How do I half the Length of a note, add a dot above it?
How do I half the Length of a note, add a dot above it?
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The dot above it, staccato, means to play separated and is generally played as half the value of the note. If you want several longer notes played followed by the exact rests, such as 1/4 notes, placing staccato over consecutive 1/2 notes is rare. It is more commonly written as alternating 1/4 notes and 1/4 rests.
As to "How do I half the Length of a note", select that note and press the corresponding new duration. (Your question is too vague to give a clearer answer).
Looking through these links may help.…
In reply to As to "How do I half the… by xavierjazz
I don't think the question is vague. He clearly specified "add a dot ABOVE the note". Hence he perfectly knows what's the function but he doesn't know how to get it on Musescore.
Select the note or the whole measure, if you want to have all the notes with the duration dot.
On the palette (the left side) select ARTICULATIONS then select the DOT.
That's it :-)