Add G key with 15ma bassa

• Feb 8, 2018 - 00:35

In brass music, some musicians play Bas tuba in Bes by reading in a G key in stead of in a F key. A note written in the G key actually sounds 2 octaves lower then. Please add a G key with 15ma (bassa) text below it to clarify this, and playback the notes 2 octaves lower to be able to check the score.

A G key with 8va below it is already provided, which I am using for tenorhorn and bariton players, and even for some trombone players.


This is already possible - just search in the instrument for Tuba and you'll see a bunch of available options, and in any case if you don't see the specific one you want (can't tell if you want concert key or in Bb), you can right click the resulting staff, Staff Properties, and set the transposition however you like.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks for the quick response :-) I know I can change the transposition for playback, but theoretically this is incorrect, imho. It is notated as "soprano" but sounds as "bass". There is a G-key with 8va bassa below, so why not one with 15ma?

There is no "Bes Bass" or Bass Tuba with G key predefined. Officially it should be notated with F key and notated in the lower part of the staff, like the pedal part in a church organ score. Common are Bes (B flat), Es and C bass tuba instruments in hafabra (harmonie, fanfare, brassband), of which Bass tuba in B flat often is published in F and G key.

In reply to by Ad.Stakenborg

There is a tuba with treble clef defined - as I said, do a search (using the search box) to find it. Or switch from "Common" to "All" instruments at top. If you use that, it should already do what you want of I am understanding correctly. But if not, please attach your score and describe what you want in more detail, and we can help you see exactly how to achieve it.

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