Repeats and Returns

• Apr 16, 2018 - 06:01

I'm very new to writing music, and I want to lessen the amount of paper I have to print, especially with a longer passage that has quite a few instruments in it. My question is therefore both with the latin terminology as well as with the application itself.

Let's say, for the sake of discussion, that the instrumentation for my song has 3 parts, A (verse), B (chorus) and C (bridge). Because the same bars repeat, I want it to go like this:

8x A -> 4x B -> 8x A -> 8x B -> 4x C -> 8x B -> 4x A.

What's the best way for me to handle the repeats and jumps with music like this?

If it gets too messy and it's easier to read without so many comments, what's the best way to clean up the music to shrink the printed version as best I can?




In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

If it is indeed the number of repeats, then the OP is likely looking for something along the lines of a "repeat section" element (which MuseScore doesn't have (yet?)).
In that case I'd like to point to (see the whole thread for reference and the initial request, and that post with example specifically) for a possible (but laborous!) workaround with fake jumpMeasures.

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