I just updated to Musescore 2.2.2 on my Mac, now playback isn't working

• May 12, 2018 - 16:36

Hi, about a month ago, bought a new Mac with OS 10.13.4. I had a tech transfer all my files, including Musescore. Everything was working just fine, I was using an older version of Musescore. The playback function was okay. I kept getting messages that Musescore had an update, so I updated to version 2.2.2. Now the playback function has ceased working. I have tried several different scores, no change. I have rebooted several times, no change. I've played a few mp3s to make sure it wasn't a problem with the speakers, and all mp3s play just fine. I can't finish my music project until this issue is solved. Are there any helpful suggestions? Cheers, Gerard Lancaster


Thank you, jeetee, your comment sent to my e-mail account was spot on. I opened a score, went to View, synthesizer, selected "Fluid tab," pressed "Add" button, selected "MuseScore_General.sf3," Pressed "Set as Default" button, and it's working again.

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