
• Aug 17, 2018 - 18:33

My lyrics are appearing on the treble clef staff!?! How do I get them to appear in the normal place, between the staves of the grand staff? This has never happened before. I guess I could select each word and drag them down...

Attachment Size
Reach_out_to_Jesus.mscz 17.23 KB


Thank you, it worked.

By the way, does anyone know an email address of the person who created Musescore and made it available for free. (I probably wouldn't have paid to buy a program.) I am SO very pleased with it. Now playing hymns is a pleasure: because I can tweek the music down to my (geriatric-intermediate) level. And I can enlarge the score so I can SEE it. AND I can change-out the typical droning chords to make the arrangements pretty. I think I'm hooked: With Musescore I now spend an equal amount of time playing with new arrangements as I do with practicing!

In reply to by Jane E. Brown

The creators of MuseScore watch these forums and a couple of the original creators (lasconic and Thomas) post quite often on the forums. I may have seen Werner (the one who wrote most of the original code) on the forums once but I see him post in the issue tracker from time to time. The point is, they should see your post. I agree, I'm also very thankful for their work in making this a free opensource project.

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