Copy and paste from one score into another??
I am new to musescore, and did not realize that I could put more that one instrument in the same score. I wrote 5 pieces for an Orchestral suite, but each part is in a separate score. Is there a way that I could transfer each part into a complete score without retyping all of the notes?
This is easily done. Choose one score to be your master score, and add the necessary instruments via the Edit/Instruments menu. Copy each instrument from their files, (Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C) and paste onto the correct spot in the master score. (Ctrl-V) It might take a try or two before you get it right, and I've probably left something out, but eventually it will work for you.
Welcome to MuseScore!
Press 'I' ad the instruments, then copy from the other.
Add the instruments to one of these scores, select the notes from the other scores (i.e. ctrl+a to select all), copy and paste it to this score.
Here are some articles that might be useful to you.
Click below for my Quick Answer on how to copy, cut, and paste:
Copy, Cut, and Paste
Click below for my Quick Answer on how to make selections:
Make Selections
In reply to Here are some articles that… by Marc Sabatella
Thank you all so much! I am 13, and this is my first composition for full orchestra and percussion. It was so exciting to hear it altogether!!