Improper export of fingerings?

• Nov 3, 2018 - 19:41

I created at the request of a blind user who posted in these forums a couple of weeks ago. In the discussion on this score it has been pointed out that only the top note's fingering is being imported into the braille conversion program and Finale. This leads me to believe the problem is with export rather than import, though it is possible both of the other programs have the same error. I have asked the user of my score which program he is using for the braille conversion. Hopefully he will respond so we can better test this. Ideally this will be an open source program so someone can look at the import facility to see if it's interpreting the fingerings correctly. In the mean time perhaps someone can confirm the fingerings are exported to XML properly from the website.


In reply to by mike320

If I download your score as mxl file and upload it again with the online viewer of the link above, it displays the fingering correct: both in the treble and in the bass staff.
So I don't believe, it's a bug of export. But I didn't open the file with a external text editor, and I'm not a expert of the MusicXML file format.

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