MuseScore Pro refund

• Nov 15, 2018 - 13:13

Good day, I was using MuseScore about a month ago to do some study connected with music sheets learning, and I have connected a Pro trial, but I did not even noticed that it will be continued to purchase pro version for a year further. I don't have any idea what to do with that pro access, because I'm not a musician at all. As I understand from my mail and support contact, I can not get a refund because I've got a mailed 2 days before the purchase. But I was not actually able to read that mail, I was in hospital, and after discharge from the hospital, on the same day I receive a letter about the successful payment for my last money. Even page of subscription settings says that it informs more than two days before(1 month). But I have noticed that a lot of people that made a tickets on forum got their refund, then why I can not get it? For me as a student, this 50$ costs a lot. I have only 3 dollars left on my bank until the next scholarship. I don't even have an opportunity to get to my mother to her birthday. I think that's not fair, considering that someone has already received a refund in a similar situation, and that I don't have any idea how to use this pro access. Maybe there is at least some way to get a refund, or transfer pro access to someone?


In reply to by GamingJam

Nobody else.

You started the Free Trial, you have been told that it is free for only 30 days, you accepted that and entered your credit card details, then forgot to cancel: bad luck, but your fault.
If you never planned to pay, never could afford it, why taking the free trial?

In the past refunds were granted, no questions asked, but these times have passed apparently.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

However, even explaining the reasons without using pro access even for one day, refund is not even considered. I perfectly understand that I did not cancel the auto-subscription, but what if I couldn’t physically do it?

In reply to by GamingJam

So you subscribed and went to hospital rigth away?
You could have canceled the next minute after subscribing, have your free trial and no payment at the end.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing to win or lose, I don't participate in the revenues, I just don't understand why someone who knows ion advance that he can't afford a subscription, still goes for a feee trial.
The trial is to try something out because it interests you and plan continue using it if you like it, not something to grab just because it is free for a short time.

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