Stem Length too Short WIth Slash Note Heads

• Jan 30, 2019 - 03:49

I am making chart for rhythm exercises so I notated a bunch of rhythms and changed the note heads to slashes. However, when I do the stems look to short. Is there a way to lengthen all the stems at once?

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Rhythms_1.pdf 56.78 KB


In reply to by Shoichi

I thought I answered this already. @Shoichi, you idea works for unbeamed notes. Notes with the beam need the user position changed on the Beam.

In both cases, you can right click an item (stem or beam) and choose Select>All similar items to change all of them at once.

In reply to by phonejeenee1

Don't edit element, make the changes in the inspector and you will see the beams and stems move as you change the numbers. If you did the Select all similar elements... as I explained you will have all of the stems or beams selected. I suggest you do the stems first.

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