Auto Placement

• Feb 12, 2019 - 13:57

Auto placement doesn't seem to function properly. When entering in the fingering mode I try and disable auto placement. It then will not allow me to enter a fingering value. If I click on the area to enter it will disappear. there seems to be no way to enter a value without auto placement enabled. Is there a way to turn it off completely?


It isn't clear what you mean about not functioning properly, could you attach a score and steps to reproduce the problem? Autoplacement should be placing your fingerings very well by default (in 3.0.2 anyhow, maybe not so much in earlier versions). You are free to adjust them further without disabling autoplace. If you do choose to disable autoplace for whatever reason, they return to a default location right by the notehead. Normally you shouldn't be doing that, though - there would not be any reason to unless you are trying to use very non-standard placement for your fingering rather than just making small tweaks for readability.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I am probably using a very non-standard placement for everything. I am writing the music for a Chemnitzer Concertina. Attached is a score I did in Musescore2. It seemed to allow me to place items where I wanted and keep everything in a straight line across the page. Musescore3 appears to not allow me to do any of this. If I unchecked the autoplace the system will not allow me to enter everything and if I leave autoplace checked I cannot keep anything in line.
Thanks for your quick response.

In reply to by dennismillner2…

In order to really help, we need the score, not just a picture of it.

As it is, I don't understand what all those markings are meant to indicate, but it should be simple enough to reproduce this in MuseScore, easy actually, using text styles. You shouldn't bneed to resort to manually adjusting things to get neat appearance.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Again thanks for you help,
I am attaching A Place in the Choir. It is the piece I have been working on. I'm assuming this is what you mean by a score.
As you can see in the other piece I sent you I need to adjust the placement of the fingering entries so there are 3 rows of information above the staff. The information also needs to be kept in a straight line and not automatically adjust for other entries. So the steps I am taking are:
Select a note, then, ADD - TEXT - FINGERING. At this point the gray box with the cursor is visible and if I start typing it seems to work. If instead I go to the "Inspector" and uncheck autoplacement or leave it checked and adjust the "x" or "y" position I can no longer make an entry. If I click on the gray box with the cursor it dissapears and of course no entry is possible. I'm sure it is something I am doing but can't figure out what it is.
I think in musescore2 after making the x/y adjustments all I needed to do was click on that gray box and further entries were possible.

PS: not sure if this went through in regular email so I resent it here.

Attachments area

In reply to by dennismillner2…

Thanks for the file! I still don't understand what the numbers in your picture are trying to represent (some sort of fingering information I assume) or how you are nomrally entering them - maybe also attach one of your scores created in MuseScore 2 that you are happy with.

But I can tell you that the score you attached contains a number of very strange settings that are going to cause you problems.

One is that the fingering text style "Y" offset is set very very high above the staff. not sure where you were going with that. But if the goal is to have fingerings align vertically, then you probably shouldn't using the actual fingering type for that, because they are designed to track the notes and will require endless manual adjustment. Instead, use staff text, which will sit at a fixed height above the staff. You can either enter the information for each note as a single staff text with three lines of info, or as three separate staff texts. Autoplace will automatically push each above the other, no need to manually adjust anyting at all. Or, if you want more control over the vertical height of each "line" of info, take advantage of the user text styles to give each a different offset. And use the new text intput mode in 3.0 so that after entering one text, press Alt+Right and you can immediately enter another of the same type on the next note, etc. there is no reaosn whatsoever to mess with manual adjustment of anything here.

Another issue is that the chord symbol text style is set to be so close to the staff that is is pretty much guaranteed to collide with notes and therefore not align well. I see from the PDF you attached of a MuseScore 2 score that you seem to perhaps like the chords that close to the staff and are accustomed to moving them horizontally to avoid collisions, so that's still your right although I don't recommend it. I'd just recommend not turning off autoplace in the process - just move the chord horizontally with the arrow keys as needed and leave autoplace enabled.

You also have your fingering and chord symbol text styles set not to scale with the score size, and I can't think of a good reason for that.

As for your concern about making adjustments in the Inspector while editing text, first, as mentioned, there is no reason whatsoever you should need to resort to that in the first place. But for the record, if you transfer focus to the Inspector by changing values there, in order to return focus to your score and thus continue typing, simply press Esc. Or, enter the text first before making your adjustment. But again, there is absolutely no reason you should need to make adjustments to get things to line up - MuseScore is perfectly capable of doing all that work for you if you take advantage of style settings and autoplace.

Anyhow, the bottom line is that is possible to work much more efficiently than you have been thus far. To be sure, some of that was possible even using 2.3.2, but the most significant improvements in the workflow depend on using 3.0 and taking full advantage of both autoplace and the new text input mode.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks for your information. I will need to review the information and use your recommendations.

Yes, the numbers in the score are the button numbers on the concertina. The top number is the Melody and the lower number is the harmony note. Because a chemnitzer concertina plays a different note on push than pull the "^" symbol is used to designate push or pull.

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