Campania RNA font still not usable online

• Jun 28, 2019 - 19:16

What a shame. I don't know if I should complain to them .... any progress on this?


I brought it up, the response was, what if people then want to download the score? They won't get the font. Same reason they don't include many other useful fonts.

So, I do plan to work towards incorporating a simple RNA feature into MuseScore itself (would work like chord symbols or figured bass but use Campania to do the formatting), and then the font would be included in MuseScore itself just as the figured bass font or Bravura etc are. But this will probably be done in conjunction with the chord symbol work for GSoC and I wouldn't expect to see it until the fall.

Feel free to argue your case with the folks yourself over on "Improving", I still think it would be worthwhile to have the font there on the server even if it doesn't work for people downloading.

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