Using Musecore (and/or Garageband) with iTunes

• Jul 15, 2019 - 00:33

I'd like to transcribe some jazz sax solos from an ITunes album, and print them out using Musecore. Some are quite fast, so I'd like to slow them down (without changing the pitch) and enter the notes of the solo part using my keyboard. I used DRmare Audio Converter, and was able to drag the tunes into Musecore, but got no sound. Does this method make sense? Why no sound? Is there a better way to do this? Is Musecore (or Garageband) able to change the tempo of an iTunes song?


I'd like to transcribe some jazz sax solos from an ITunes album, and print them out using Musecore.

What file formats are you working with?

In other words, if possible, simply export the sax solos from iTunes as an mscz file. Then open in MuseScore and print. Done. ;-)
If that's not possible, you must be more specific about what types of files you're working with and/or converting. Audio? MIDI? etc.

BTW: MuseScore can change the tempo of any song it can open.

I'm not familiar with DRmare Audio Converter, but my guess is, all you managed to do was convert from one audio format to another. MuseScore cannot open audio files and more than a word processor can. But there are any number of programs you can use to slow down audio files, including Audacity, which is also free & open source. Then once you've learned the song, you are welcome to enter the notes into MuseScore in order to print it.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

When I was learning Irish flute, I used BP-Minus ( to slow down tracks, as that style of music has a lot of nuances that do not translate well to standard notation, and they fly by pretty quickly until your ears and fingers get accustomed to what they're doing. It's a quite handy and simple program that doesn't have the steeper learning curve of a program like Audacity.

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