Add unison

• Aug 17, 2019 - 16:25

It seems rather odd to me that when you use the shortcut for Enter unison above, you get a note consistent with the key signature and the note you are adding it to is ignored. For example, I have an E-flat in a score in the key of G (1 sharp). I pressed alt+1 and an E-natural was added.

I realize this is consistent with what happens in other situations when the interval is greater than a unison. I'm used to that and adjust the notes as necessary automatically to assure any accidentals are accounted for. It seems that entering a unison should actually produce a unison.



As I continue with my current project, I realized that Entering an Octave above or below (I have a shortcut for this) adds a perfect octave without regard to the key signature. I do this a lot, I don't add unisons as often and hadn't previously noticed this issue with unisons before. It is therefore a problem (IMHO a bug) that needs fixed.

In reply to by mike320

I was intrigued by this and tried a little experimentation. I found the situation is even worse than you describe. If you enter a crotchet C# (3rd space treble clef) say and add a unison you indeed find that a Cnat has been added, but there is no natural accidental. It looks like you have to C#s but it sounds ... well you know what augmented unisons sound like! Clicking on the lefthand notehead sounds the Cnat, clicking on the righthand notehead sounds the C#.

Must be a bug!

In reply to by SteveBlower

If you mean the shortcuts menu, this is probably for consistency's sake. All of the the other defined intervals are above, but there is no option to define a shortcut for unison BELOW, unlike all of the other intervals. That label is understandable but could be improved by eliminating ABOVE. I did notice the accidental is not always present, but sometimes is.

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