Lost Composition

• Sep 16, 2019 - 13:18

Lost composition due to updated windows version..

I have a composition named "Nkosi yibanenceba" and I lost it when my pc Windows was being updated. I would like to ask whether you can find it on your system and send it to me. I really need it. Thank you


How would anyone here have a file that existed on your PC? Unless you uploloaded it to musescore.com (and marked it private? As I don't see you having any score there.)
But if that Windows update really was an update and not a (desctructive) re-install, the score file would still exist on your PC, just use the explorer to search for it.

Windows update won't cause your files to be deleted. Please check your 'My Documents/musescore 2 or 3/scores'.

If you have upgraded (for instance from windows 7 to 8 or 10) there is a high chance, that a folder with the name windows.old directory is created in the root directory i.e. C:/ drive. If this is the case then, you can go to 'C:/windows.old/users/your_username/My documents/musescore xx/scores/' and look for your scores.

In reply to by Javaspell

All this happens on your PC and it's not shared on the net, I guess.
Your score could simply be in another folder. Search, as Jojo says, your entire hard disk for all filenames ending with ".mscz" to find those.
Sometimes—under not-fully-understood circumstances—MuseScore stores a file at a so-called virtual store (on Windows) or in some temporary directory outside the user's home

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