Repeat Bars in Scores and Parts

• Nov 18, 2019 - 21:19

I've arranged a piece for several different instruments, including a few percussion. I've worked on the layout for the parts, which for the drums means I've followed standard styling procedures where (if it's mostly the same) you show the rhythm on each new system, followed by repeat bar symbols.The layout of measures per system is slightly different for each part depending on the content. The parts look great, but now I'm working on the score and my understanding of correct layout suggests that again, the first measure in each new system should show the full rhythm, followed by repeats - but if I make changes to the score, to make it all look correct, inserting repeats, or full rhythm, that will affect the parts - as they have different amounts of measures per system. Is there a way to make changes to the layout of the score, without affecting parts? Otherwise I guess my options are to have 2 different versions, but then I can't just export score and parts nicely in one file (which I suppose is not the end of the world). Any ideas?


I would put the rhythms I want to see in voices 1 & 2 (as is standard for a default drumset) in the main score (these will carry over when you create parts) and a measure repeat in voice 3. I would then make what I don't want to see invisible. I would use the selection filter (F6) to choose only the voices I want to select, the press V to make those selected items invisible. Do the invisible step after the parts are generated and all notes have been entered and the invisible items will be independent in the score and parts.

Invisible items default to looking gray. If you don't want to see the gray items use the View menu and uncheck Show invisible.

In reply to by mike320

Well I tried this method, but putting a repeat sign in seems to take over the bar and delete anything in any of the voices. I tried moving the existing parts to voices 3 and 4, and then putting the repeat in voice 1, but the same thing happened. Not sure if I did something wrong, or if it's just not possible.

In reply to by shirley6

To get a measure repeat into voice 3, you will need to enter the repeat first, then use Tools->Voices->Exchange 1-3. This will put the repeat in voice 3. The repeat will work properly. After this enter the notes. You will probably need to select all of the notes in this measure (select the measure and click the notes button in the inspector) and uncheck play in the inspector so the notes are not too loud - you will only hear the repeat not the repeat and the notes.

I chose voice 3 because drum notation normally is only in voices 1 & 2. If for some reason you put any notes in voice 3 you will need to put the repeat in voice 4. You cannot put notes in voice 4 in these measures, which should never be a problem in drum notation. It might rarely be a problem in piano notation but that will be rare, especially since neither repeats like this nor 4 voices of notes are common in piano notation.

I don't know what kind of music you work. For Big-Band or concert band in "pop music" the "sentences" of music, are almost always 8 or 12 measures. When I use repeat measure (it's often) for percu-drums, or guitar, I don't write the "real " measure on each system , but at the begining of the "sentence". In the part, it will be , often, 1 or 2 lignes, and in my score, it will be 1 or 2 pages

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